Call Us: 92-21-32424336, 92-21-32424318


Afghan Trade Management

Pakistan's natural strategic location offers the shortest route to all and locked markets up north, including Afghanistan, we have detailed information and experience on the different transport possibilities Pakistan is the most advantageous position in Afghan Transit Trade, (ATT) where Port of Karachi plays a major role as hinterland port and "GATEWAY" to Afghanistan and Central Asian States, Countries.

There is no rail network in Afghanistan and all trade is conducted by land route from Pakistan and other neighboring countries. Cargo for Afghanistan in Transit via Pakistan (Karachi Port) is exempted from Custom Duty and taxes in Pakistan. However, a special Custom Cell processes and examines the cargo at Karachi Port.

Our team of freight forwarding professionals is on call to design a program that suits you best. At the lowest possible rates! Getting quotes couldn't be any easier with our easy to use forms and outstanding customer service.

Routes For Afghan Cargo :

  • Peshawar / Torkham for Cargo destined for Jalalabad / Kabul / Bagram.
  • Quetta / Chamman for Cargo destined for Kandahar / Herat / Lashkargah.
  • Required documentation is carried out at Custom Post, after which the cargo / container crossed border the loaded trucks to Afghan Custom House at Torkham, Jalalabad, Kabul or Kandahar as the case may be. Austin offers services for door delivery inside Afghanistan and performs customs clearance & unloading arrangements at Jobsite / destination inside Afghanistan.

Contact Info

    Address: 406, 4th Floor Uni Centre I.I. Chudrigar Road, Karachi, Pakistan.

    Phone: 92-21-32424336, 92-21-32424318

    Fax: 92-21-32419470


Our Clients


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About Us

7 Seas Management have now grown rapidly in highly skilled professionals combining numerous years of experience in the Air & Ocean Freight forwarding industry. We value relationships, especially the ones we have with our customers.We have built our company one relationship and one customer at a time.

    Address: 406, 4th Floor Uni Centre I.I. Chudrigar Road, Karachi, Pakistan.

    Phone: 92-21-32424336, 92-21-32424318

    Fax: 92-21-32419470

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